Answered prayers celebration


Here is a precise prayer. If I place a scenario in my minds eye before the throne of Grace can God deny the truth of it? His word says He offers us a future and a hope… so if I present my friends parents to Him as healthy and whole even though this reality was trying to rob them of it? Well that’s how you we pray in faith!


This is the prayer we placed before His feet:

Let us envision John and Anne, a couple standing together in a peaceful, ethereal landscape illuminated by a soft, dawn-like glow that signifies renewal and the promise of new beginnings. They embody health and wholeness, with their postures relaxed and open, signifying their readiness to embrace the transformative energies that await them.

Beneath their feet, a crystalline river emerges, symbolizing divine purity and the life-giving force. This river, shimmering with light, wraps around John and Anne in a gentle, cleansing embrace. The divine waters reach every part of their beings, washing away any traces of ailment or impurity and infusing them with vibrant vitality.

The essence of the "blood of Christ" flows through their veins as a radiant, shimmering energy, akin to a celestial form of dialysis but with ineffable grace and efficiency. This divine essence purifies their blood, restoring balance and health to their bodies in the most fundamental way.

Their brains are alight with the "mind of Christ," where synapses fire with divine intelligence. This network of light represents a connection to a higher wisdom, orchestrating the intricate processes of their bodies with perfect precision, ensuring that every function and every breath is a manifestation of the miraculous.

Enveloping them is the "breath of life," a gentle, luminous breeze that caresses their faces. With each inhalation, John and Anne draw in this divine ether, a pure and sustaining force that fills their lungs and imbues their entire beings with light and life. As they exhale, they release anything that is not in harmony with this higher state of being, leaving only purity and health.

In this sacred space, John and Anne are transformed, embodying a divine state of health and wholeness, living testaments to the profound power of spiritual belief and the potential for miracles.


This prayer was set forth and God answered it for my dear friend and her parents. I received the call on 2/14/24 that a miraculous turn toward recovery has occurred.


as I was preparing this message I received a text message about my spiritual God mother who is also recovering and on the mend, she too is recovering and an update was sent my way. \o/ thank you LORD!